Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Kura Art

Ruma Tahi have been learning about what makes a good society and how we can contribute to this. The key words we learnt about are:
  • Citizen
  • Society
  • Culture
  • Country
We then discussed how we can link these ideas to our Kura and in our own classroom. The main idea was to show our Kura Values of: Respect, Responsible, and Resilient. 

Next, we created artwork to show how our kura links to these ideas. The tamariki expressed their ideas differently and were able to talk about their artwork explaining the main ideas around the type of society we wanted, how to be a good citizen and the classroom culture we wanted to support out mahi and each other. 

Here are some example of what we created:


  1. Hi Room 5,
    I like that you have shared about the community.

    I also liked how you wrote about how to be a good citizen of the class.

    Mabey you could add a video of a person being a good citzen.

    What is your faviroute value?

    From: Sonny.

    1. Hi Sonny,
      Thank you for responding to our blog.
      We are room 1. Our favourite value at school is resilient.
      Thank you for your suggestion about adding a video, maybe we will do one next time.
      Have a great day, hopefully you can comment on our blog again.
      From Ruma Tahi.

  2. i found this interesting and fun to reed :) Y 10 boic
